Key-value (KV) stores are widely utilized in data-intensive applications to obtain exceptional storage performance. However, its caching mechanism often suffers read and write pauses. Especially when accessing old data periodically, it results in cache hit ratios and system throughput decline. To address the performance degradation issue, we propose an innovative dual-hash caching mechanism called DHCache. Firstly, we introduce a dual-hash structure in DHCache. It alleviates read and write pauses by reducing the frequency of rehash operations on the hash table. Secondly, we employ a Most Recently Used (MRU) cache replacement policy on DHCache to retain old data. This enhances the cache hit ratios and throughput when periodically accessing old data. DHCache is deployed within LevelDB, demonstrating significant performance advantages. Experimental results indicate that DHCache improves throughput by 11.89–21.92% in various read workloads compared to traditional LRUCache. Significantly, read performance improvement does not come at the cost of write performance degradation.

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This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant Nos. 62362057 and 61762075. Meanwhile, this work is also supported by The Key R&D and Transformation Project of Qinghai Province under Grant 2022-SF-165. Jinkang Lu and Meng Lv have contributed equally to this work. Ping Xie is the corresponding author of this paper.
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant No.62362057 and 61762075. The Key R&D and Transformation Project of Qinghai Province under Grant 2022-SF-165.
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Lu, J., Lv, M., Li, P. et al. Dhcache: a dual-hash cache for optimizing the read performance in key-value store. J Supercomput 81, 400 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-06828-w
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-06828-w