A random access protocol with multiple receivers per mobile node for infrastructure-less mission critical wireless networking system is introduced and analyzed. Each receiver of a mobile node may receive a packet in the presence of collision depending on the receiver quality defined as capture ratio. The maximum throughput per mobile node depends exclusively on the number of receivers per node and the capture ratio. Since the maximum throughput is independent of the variable factors of the network, the network is self-optimized. The self-optimized throughput increases with the increase of the number of receivers per node and the quality of each receiver (defined as capture ratio). On the other hand, the cost per mobile node also increases with the increase of the number of receivers per node and the quality of each receiver. The trade-off between the self-optimized throughput per node and the cost per mobile node is analyzed. In mission critical networking system, most of the traffic may be the real-time traffic, where the number of retransmission attempts is limited. The normalized delay is almost constant if the number of retransmission attempts is more than eight. However, the packet rejection probability decreases with the increase of the number of retransmission attempts.
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Sarker, J.H., Mouftah, H.T. A self-optimized random access protocol for an infrastructure-less mission critical wireless networking system. Telecommun Syst 52, 2133–2144 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-011-9490-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-011-9490-8