Biologically-inspired artificial immune systems (AIS) have been applied to computer virus detection systems (CVDS). A multiagent-based CVDS (ABCVDS) inspired by the danger theory of human immune system is proposed. The intelligence behind ABCVDS is based on the functionalities of dendritic cells in human immune systems. Multiple agents are embedded to this virus detection system, where agents coordinate one another to calculate mature context antigen value (MCAV). Accordingly, computer hosts undergone with malicious intrusions can be effectively detected via input signals and temporary output signals.
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Ou, CM. Multiagent-based computer virus detection systems: abstraction from dendritic cell algorithm with danger theory. Telecommun Syst 52, 681–691 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-011-9512-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-011-9512-6