Studies on the current usage of the radio spectrum by several agencies have already revealed that a large fraction of the radio spectrum is inadequately utilized. This basic finding has led to numerous research initiatives. Cognitive radio technology is one of the key candidate technologies to solve the problems of spectrum scarcity and low spectrum utilization. However, random behavior of the primary user (PU) appears to be an enormous challenge. In this paper, a Pre-reservation based spectrum allocation method for cognitive radio network is proposed to apply a PU behavior aware joint spectrum band (SB) selection and allocation scheme. In the first step, the SB is observed in terms of PU usage statistics whereas in the second phase, a network operator (NO) using a spectrum allocation scheme is employed to allocate SBs among secondary users (SUs). We also introduce the concept of reservation and exchange functionality under the priority serving strategy in a time-varying framing process. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms existing schemes in terms of the spectrum utilization and network revenue. In addition, it helps NO to manage the spectrum on a planned basis with a systematical spectrum reservation management where the NO has the status of time slots. Moreover, SUs have an opportunity to reserve or instantly request a SB that maximizes the SUs satisfaction in terms of quality of experience.

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Çavdar, T., Sadreddini, Z. & Güler, E. Pre-reservation based spectrum allocation for cognitive radio network. Telecommun Syst 68, 723–743 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-018-0424-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-018-0424-6