Labeling diversity (LD) is a well-known technique proposed for multi-antenna Wireless local area network (WLAN) applications . In this paper, we propose LD for three-terminal cooperative communication schemes i.e., Decode and Forward (DF) and Coded-cooperative (CC) schemes with each terminal using a single antenna for transmission. The Boosted space-time codeword is jointly constructed by source and a relay node in two phases and joint iterative detection and decoding are used at the destination node. This technique shows that the gains from LD can be further enhanced when used in cooperative communication schemes. Numerical analysis reveal that the proposed schemes DF and CC provide full diversity gains, over non-cooperative schemes, later scheme being the most successful one, under identical conditions using less number of antennas at each communication node and with reduced receiver complexity.

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The authors are thankful to Chinese National Natural Science Foundation for supporting this research, under the contract No. 61771241 . Authors also acknowledge the valuable comments by the Editor and Anonymous reviewers who made the content of this paper more useful.
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Ejaz, S., Yang, FF. & Xu, H. Split labeling diversity for wireless half-duplex relay assisted cooperative communication systems. Telecommun Syst 75, 437–446 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-020-00694-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-020-00694-6