In this paper we study the scheduling of parallel and real-time recurrent tasks on multiprocessor platforms. Firstly, we propose a new parallel task model which allows recurrent tasks to be composed of several phases, each one composed of several threads. Each thread requires a single processor for execution and can be scheduled simultaneously. We then propose an algorithm to transpose popular Fork-Join task model to our MPMT task model. Secondly, we define several kinds of real-time schedulers that can be applied to our parallel task model. We distinguish between two scheduling classes: Hierarchical schedulers and Global Thread schedulers. We present and prove correct an exact schedulability test for each class. Lastly, we also evaluate the performance of our scheduling paradigm in comparison with Gang scheduling by means of simulations. In this work we extend the work of Lupu and Goossens in Scheduling of hard real-time multi-thread periodic tasks (Real-Time and Network Systems, 2011) which considers mono-phase multi-thread task model. We extend their previous results to a Multi-Phase Multi-Thread task model.
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Courbin, P., Lupu, I. & Goossens, J. Scheduling of hard real-time multi-phase multi-thread (MPMT) periodic tasks. Real-Time Syst 49, 239–266 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11241-012-9173-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11241-012-9173-x