In this paper we propose a query expansion and user profile enrichment approach to improve the performance of recommender systems operating on a folksonomy, storing and classifying the tags used to label a set of available resources. Our approach builds and maintains a profile for each user. When he submits a query (consisting of a set of tags) on this folksonomy to retrieve a set of resources of his interest, it automatically finds further “authoritative” tags to enrich his query and proposes them to him. All “authoritative” tags considered interesting by the user are exploited to refine his query and, along with those tags directly specified by him, are stored in his profile in such a way to enrich it. The expansion of user queries and the enrichment of user profiles allow any content-based recommender system operating on the folksonomy to retrieve and suggest a high number of resources matching with user needs and desires. Moreover, enriched user profiles can guide any collaborative filtering recommender system to proactively discover and suggest to a user many resources relevant to him, even if he has not explicitly searched for them.
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De Meo, P., Quattrone, G. & Ursino, D. A query expansion and user profile enrichment approach to improve the performance of recommender systems operating on a folksonomy. User Model User-Adap Inter 20, 41–86 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11257-010-9072-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11257-010-9072-6