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Embarrassingly shallow auto-encoders for dynamic collaborative filtering

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User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Recent work has shown that despite their simplicity, item-based models optimised through ridge regression can attain highly competitive results on collaborative filtering tasks. As these models are analytically computable and thus forgo the need for often expensive iterative optimisation procedures, they have become an attractive choice for practitioners. Computing the closed-form ridge regression solution consists of inverting the Gramian item-item matrix, which is known to be a costly operation that scales poorly with the size of the item catalogue. Because of this bottleneck, the adoption of these methods is restricted to a specific set of problems where the number of items is modest. This can become especially problematic in real-world dynamical environments, where the model needs to keep up with incoming data to combat issues of cold start and concept drift. In this work, we propose Dynamic \(\textsc {ease}^{\textsc {r}}\): an algorithm based on the Woodbury matrix identity that incrementally updates an existing regression model when new data arrives, either approximately or exact. By exploiting a widely accepted low-rank assumption for the user-item interaction data, this allows us to target those parts of the resulting model that need updating, and avoid a costly inversion of the entire item-item matrix with every update. We theoretically and empirically show that our newly proposed methods can entail significant efficiency gains in the right settings, broadening the scope of problems for which closed-form models are an appropriate choice.

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  1. It should be noted that the authors have since released a more performant coordinate-descent-based implementation of their method (Ning et al. 2019).

  2. In our experiments, we use an efficient SciPy implementation of a variant called the Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Method (Lehoucq et al. 1998; Virtanen et al. 2020); the analysis is equivalent.

  3. In the SciPy package for Python, an implementation of the randomised method presented by Liberty et al. can be found under scipy.linalg.interpolative.estimate_rank (Liberty et al. 2007; Virtanen et al. 2020).


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Jeunen, O., Van Balen, J. & Goethals, B. Embarrassingly shallow auto-encoders for dynamic collaborative filtering. User Model User-Adap Inter 32, 509–541 (2022).

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