We propose a depth and image scene flow estimation method taking the input of a binocular video. The key component is motion-depth temporal consistency preservation, making computation in long sequences reliable. We tackle a number of fundamental technical issues, including connection establishment between motion and depth, structure consistency preservation in multiple frames, and long-range temporal constraint employment for error correction. We address all of them in a unified depth and scene flow estimation framework. Our main contributions include development of motion trajectories, which robustly link frame correspondences in a voting manner, rejection of depth/motion outliers through temporal robust regression, novel edge occurrence map estimation, and introduction of anisotropic smoothing priors for proper regularization.

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The authors would like to thank the associate editor and all the anonymous reviewers for their time and effort. This work is supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong SAR (Project No. 413110).
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Appendix A
We give the details of solving the Euler-Lagrange equation (21):

With the applied anisotropic diffusion tensor, the smoothness term involves d hh , d vv , and d hv , which relate several neighboring points. We use the indices in Fig. 20 to represent the 2D coordinates: d1=d(i+1,j+1). q is used to index the current point (i,j). We apply central difference in the second order derivative computation. Specifically, we introduce function ζ(⋅) expressed as

(ζd v ) v and (ζd h ) v are defined similarly. Then we discretize a grid with size h h ×h v to apply Gauss-Seidel relaxation. By defining

we represent the anisotropic factors in simpler forms. The increment Δd can be computed using the following iterations:

where \(\mathcal{N}\) is the set of neighboring pixels, \(\mathcal{N}_{h}(q)=\{2,6\}\), and \(\mathcal{N}_{v}(q)=\{0,4\}\). Further, g 1 is defined as

and b can be derived as


\(\overline{p}=p \mod8\). To facilitate computation, we adopt a standard non-linear multi-grid numerical scheme (Bruhn and Weickert 2005) to accelerate convergence. The Gauss-Seidel relaxation works as the pre- and post-smoother, which is applied twice in each level.
Appendix B
After discretization, the linear equations to approximate Eq. (20) can be easily derived. Δu, Δv, and Δδd are iteratively refined, by fixing the other two variables during update. It leads to the Gauss-Seidel relaxation, written as


g 1,g 2 are functions defined in Appendix A. The Gauss-Seidel iteration is accelerated by a non-linear Multi-grid numerical scheme similar to the one to compute disparities in Appendix A.
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Hung, C.H., Xu, L. & Jia, J. Consistent Binocular Depth and Scene Flow with Chained Temporal Profiles. Int J Comput Vis 102, 271–292 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-012-0559-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-012-0559-y