The advent of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) has led to its increased application in several domains. One noteworthy application is the perception system for autonomous driving that rely on the predictions from CNNs. On one hand, predicting the learned objects with maximum accuracy is of importance. On the other hand, it is still a challenge to evaluate the reliability of CNN-based perception systems without ground truth information. Such evaluations are of significance for autonomous driving applications. One way to estimate reliability is by evaluating robustness of the detections in the presence of artificial perturbations. However, several existing works on perturbation-based robustness quantification rely on the ground truth labels. Acquiring the ground truth labels is a tedious, expensive and error-prone process. In this work we propose a novel label-free robustness metric for quantifying the robustness of CNN object detectors. We quantify the robustness of the detections to a specific type of input perturbation based on the prediction confidences. In short, we check the sensitivity of the predicted confidences under increased levels of artificial perturbation. Thereby, we avoid the need for ground truth annotations. We perform extensive evaluations on our traffic light detector from autonomous driving applications and on public object detection networks and datasets. The evaluations show that our label-free metric is comparable to the ground truth aided robustness scoring.
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For the sake of simplicity we assume each image I has only one bounding box. However, there can be multiple bounding boxes per image.
This was done using a single randomly chosen image for each perturbation.
for a KLD normalised between [0,1]
The details of the architecture and training parameters are provided in Appendix 2
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1.1 A . KLD Symmetricity Analysis
In Sect. 4 we instantiated the divergence function for label-free robustness metric in Eq. 1 with KL-divergence. However, it was an experimental instantiation and other divergence functions are applicable. For this reason, we reuse the experimental settings from Sect. 5 with different instantiation of divergence functions. Firstly, as a non-symmetric function, i.e., \(KLD(P(\mathcal {V}),P(\mathcal {V}_s))\ne KLD(P(\mathcal {V}_s),P(\mathcal {V}))\), we instantiate Eq. 1 as \(KLD(P(\mathcal {V}_s),P(\mathcal {V}))\) and tabulate the results in Table 7. \(KLD(P(\mathcal {V}_s),P(\mathcal {V}))\) estimates the entropy of \(P(\mathcal {V})\) relative to \(P(\mathcal {V}_s)\) (Lin 1991). The entropy of the reference distribution will be relatively smaller in comparison to distorted distribution. Which means the \(KLD(P(\mathcal {V}_s),P(\mathcal {V}))\) will be relatively smaller in comparison to \(KLD(P(\mathcal {V}),P(\mathcal {V}_s))\). Due to this reason, in comparison to Table 7, the values in Table 3 has slightly smaller values. As we use the rob metric to compare between multiple detectors, this difference is not a strong weakness.
Secondly, to eliminate the problem of non-symmetric function we estimate divergence using JSD and tabulate the results in Table 8. From the both evaluations we observe that there are no significant discrepancy on which model is maximally robust. Thereby implying that the divergence function does not largely influence our robustness metric.
1.2 CNN Architecture for Training on CIFAR-10 Dataset
Figure 14 shows the CNN architecture we employed to perform classification on CIFAR-10 image dataset in Sect. 6.2. The dataset consists of 50000 training images and 10000 test images that belong to one of the 10 classes. While using dropout as a regularization technique, i.e., only on training data, we applied a dropout rate of 0.5. We set a maximum of 50 epochs for minimization of cross-entropy as the loss function with early stopping, i.e., the training loop is terminated if there is no reduction in the validation loss for more than 10 epochs.
Convolution network architecture for uncertainty estimation in Sect. 6.2
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Shekar, A.K., Gou, L., Ren, L. et al. Label-Free Robustness Estimation of Object Detection CNNs for Autonomous Driving Applications. Int J Comput Vis 129, 1185–1201 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-020-01423-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-020-01423-x