This paper presents a new learning algorithm for audiovisual fusion and demonstrates its application to video classification for film database. The proposed system utilized perceptual features for content characterization of movie clips. These features are extracted from different modalities and fused through a machine learning process. More specifically, in order to capture the spatio-temporal information, an adaptive video indexing is adopted to extract visual feature, and the statistical model based on Laplacian mixture are utilized to extract audio feature. These features are fused at the late fusion stage and input to a support vector machine (SVM) to learn semantic concepts from a given video database. Based on our experimental results, the proposed system implementing the SVM-based fusion technique achieves high classification accuracy when applied to a large volume database containing Hollywood movies.
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Here we describe these concepts with textual descriptions for communication with the readers. However, our definition of semantic concept is based on perceptual features of video and not the texts.
We have chosen k = 5 for video indexing in our experiments reported in “Section 5”.
The software we used for video segmentation is not available recently. However, a new software product, Movavi SplitMovie may be found at: http://movavi.com/splitmovie.
Here we describe these concepts with textual descriptions for communication with the readers. However, our definition of semantic concept is based on perceptual features of video.
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Muneesawang, P., Guan, L. & Amin, T. A New Learning Algorithm for the Fusion of Adaptive Audio–Visual Features for the Retrieval and Classification of Movie Clips. J Sign Process Syst Sign Image Video Technol 59, 177–188 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11265-008-0290-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11265-008-0290-7