There is a lack of thermal models for storage clusters; most existing thermal models do not take into account the utilization of hard drives (HDDs) and solid state disks (SSDs). To address this problem, we build a thermal model for hybrid storage clusters that are comprised of HDDs and SSDs. We start this study by generating the thermal profiles of hard drives and solid state disks. The profiling results show that both HDDs and SSDs have profound impacts on temperatures of storage nodes in a cluster. Next, we build two types of hybrid storage clusters, namely, inter-node and intra-node hybrid storage clusters. We develop a model to estimate the cooling cost of a storage cluster equipped with hybrid storage nodes. The thermal model is validated against data acquired by temperature sensors. Experimental results show that, compared to the HDD-first strategy, the SSD-first strategy is an efficient approach to minimize negative thermal impacts of hybrid storage clusters.

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This research was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grants CCF-0845257 (CAREER), CNS-0917137 (CSR), CNS-0757778 (CSR), CCF-0742187 (CPA), CNS-0831502 (CyberTrust), CNS-0855251 (CRI), OCI-0753305 (CI-TEAM), DUE-0837341 (CCLI), and DUE-0830831 (SFS). Mohammed Alghamdi’s research was supported by AL-Baha University.
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Jiang, X., Al Assaf, M.M., Zhang, J. et al. Thermal Modeling of Hybrid Storage Clusters. J Sign Process Syst 72, 181–196 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11265-013-0787-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11265-013-0787-6