We propose a novel approach to generate an ensemble of context-dependent deep neural networks (CD-DNNs) by using random forests of phonetic decision trees (RF-PDTs) and construct an ensemble acoustic model (EAM) accordingly for speech recognition. We present evaluation results on the TIMIT dataset and a telemedicine automatic captioning dataset and demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed RF-PDT+CD-DNN based EAM over the conventional CD-DNN based single acoustic model (SAM) in phone and word recognition accuracies.
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Zhao, T., Zhao, Y. & Chen, X. Ensemble Acoustic Modeling for CD-DNN-HMM Using Random Forests of Phonetic Decision Trees. J Sign Process Syst 82, 187–196 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11265-015-1001-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11265-015-1001-9