Vehicular Communication Networks (VCNs) are used to supply a communication platform for Intelligent Transportation Systems services also for value added services in different road systems. In comparison to other communication networks, VCNs come with major challenges: high mobility and velocity of vehicles that cause rapidly change topology of network and fast change of vehicle’s locations. Location information services (LISs) or location management systems (LMSs) are used to provide location information about vehicles such as current location, speed, direction and report this information to other vehicles or network entities that require this information. We present a survey for LISs in VCNs and introduce 11 approaches in literature. Moreover, we present a classification for LISs and compare mentioned approaches based on our classification. Finally we evaluate studied LISs by some performance properties to measure their overall efficiency.

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I would like to express my very great appreciation to Dr. Robil Daher for his valuable and constructive suggestions during the writing of this article. This research is supported by DAAD scholarship that is awarded for 8 months to work as a Research Associate in University of Rostock from May 1st to the end of December 2011.
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Heidari, E., Gladisch, A., Moshiri, B. et al. Survey on location information services for Vehicular Communication Networks. Wireless Netw 20, 1085–1105 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-013-0666-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-013-0666-x