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Energy and delay efficient dynamic cluster formation using hybrid AGA with FACO in EAACK MANETs

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Wireless Networks Aims and scope Submit manuscript


MANET is a set of mobile nodes which works in a dynamic changing network and it is capable of communicating with each other efficiently where all the nodes perform a dual role as that of a transmitter and a receiver. MANETs do not use any centralized administration for communication. The performance of a MANET can be further enhanced by adapting a cluster mechanism with the help of CEAACK to provide security from penetrators. In this paper we propose a new improved ant colony optimization algorithm with two strategies to reduce the overhead in communication by predicting mobility of node and cluster formation. Firstly, a dynamic mechanism is designed for determining one or more heuristic parameters for improving the performance of the MANET. Secondly a dynamic list of nodes are maintained which helps in forming clusters and electing the cluster head faster. In addition a dynamic broadcast approach algorithm is incorporated to provide the information about the status of the nodes to the hybrid fuzzy-ant colony algorithm. This approach ensures low maintenance cost and is expected to be robust against node failures and network topology changes. The positive outcome of these two techniques consumes low energy and in the process provides better efficiency in data transmission in MANETs. It also achieves correct delivery of packets without unnecessary delay.

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Fig. 12

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Sathiamoorthy, J., Ramakrishnan, B. Energy and delay efficient dynamic cluster formation using hybrid AGA with FACO in EAACK MANETs. Wireless Netw 23, 371–385 (2017).

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