Based on fog computer, an industrial wireless sensor network (F-IWSN) is a novel wireless sensor network in the industry. It not only can more efficiently reduce information transmission latency, but also can more beneficially achieve the real-time control and the rapid resource scheduling. However, similar to other distributed networks, it also faces enormous security challenges, especially those internal attacks. The differences from those traditional security schemes are that, one is the trade-off between security, transmission performance and energy consumption to meet the requirements of information convergence and control, the other constructs a multi-dimensional selective forwarding scheme to achieve the real time transmission. In this paper, we propose a Gaussian distribution-based comprehensive trust management system (GDTMS) for F-IWSN. Furthermore, in its trust decision, the grey decision making is introduced to achieve the trade-off between security, transmission performance and energy consumption. The proposed trade-off can effectively select the secure and robust relay node, namely, a trust management-based secure routing scheme. In addition, the proposed schemes are also applicable to defending against bad mouthing attacks. Simulation results show that, the comprehensive performance of GDTMS is better than other similar algorithms. It can effectively prevent the appearance of network holes, and balance the network load, promote the survivability of the network.

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Fang, W., Zhang, W., Chen, W. et al. TMSRS: trust management-based secure routing scheme in industrial wireless sensor network with fog computing. Wireless Netw 26, 3169–3182 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-019-02129-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-019-02129-w