Web services are middleware designed to support the interoperation between different software systems and devices over the Web. Today, we encounter a variety of situations in which services deployed on the Internet of things (IoT), such as wireless sensor networks, ZigBee networks, and mobile edge computing frameworks, have become a widely used infrastructure that has become more flexible, intelligent and automated. This system supports multimedia applications, E-commerce transactions, business collaborations and information processing. However, how to manage these services has been a popular topic in IoT research. Existing research covers numerous resource models, based on sensors or human interactions. For everything as a service, things are available as a service include products, processes, resource management and security provision. To cope with the challenge of how to manage these services, we present an extension of Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom architecture as a resource expression model to construct a systematic approach to modeling both entity and relationship elements. The entity elements are formalized from a fully typed, multiple-related dimensions perspective to obtain a whole frequency-value-based representation of entities in the real world. A relationship model is extended and applied to define resource models based on relationships defined from a semantics perspective that is based on our proposed existence-level reasoning. Then, a processing framework is proposed that seeks to optimize the searching efficiency of typed resources in terms of IoT data, information and knowledge inside an integrated architecture, and the framework includes Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph. We concentrate on improving performance in accessing and processing resources and providing resource security protection by utilizing the cost difference of both type conversions of resources and traversing on resources. Finally, an application scenario is simulated to illustrate the usage of the proposed framework. This scenario shows the feasibility and effectiveness of our method, considering the conversion, traversing and storage costs. Our method can help improve the optimization of services and scheduling resources of multimedia systems.

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Gao, H., Duan, Y., Shao, L. et al. Transformation-based processing of typed resources for multimedia sources in the IoT environment. Wireless Netw 27, 3377–3393 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-019-02200-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-019-02200-6