Some of the collected data by wireless sensor networks (WSNs) often digress from the normal pattern of the set and are called the ‘outliers’ or ‘anomalies’. These outlier data are usually derived from an error that can be due to the constraints of sensor nodes such as problems in the processing unit, power supply, and component failure or an event occurring at the development site of sensor nodes, including the earthquake or flood, affecting the quality of the collected data and their reliability for decision making. In this work, a method is proposed for detecting outlier data in networks based on the hidden Markov model and the copula theory. Copula was used because of its ability to deal with multivariate sets and its unlimitedness in such a way that it required no assumption about data distribution, and Markov has been applied due to its good performance in forecasting. The results of evaluations on the actual data from the Intel laboratory represent the efficiency of the proposed method. Bases on the performance evaluations of the proposed method, in comparison with a relatively new work leading to good results.

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Dogmechi, S., Torabi, Z. & Daneshpour, N. An outlier detection method based on the hidden Markov model and copula for wireless sensor networks. Wireless Netw 30, 4797–4810 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-022-03131-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-022-03131-5