Event triggered data aggregation and routing minimizes the amount of energy and bandwidth required to transmit the data from the event affected area. This paper proposes a Wheel based Event Triggered data aggregation and routing (WETdar) scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) by employing a set of static and mobile agents. A wheel with spokes is constructed by WSN nodes around an event node (a sensor node where an event occurs). Gathering and aggregation of the information is performed along the spokes of a wheel in Spoke Aggregator (SA) nodes and sent to an event node, which routes to a sink node. Spoke generation and identification of SA nodes along the spokes is performed by using a mobile agent, based on parameters such as Euclidean distance, residual energy, spoke angle and connectivity. Mobile agent and its clones discover multiple paths to a sink node from an event node. The scheme is simulated in various WSN scenarios to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach. The performance parameters analyzed are number of SAs, SA selection time, aggregation time, aggregation energy, energy consumption, number of isolated nodes and network life time. We observed that proposed scheme outperforms as compared to the existing aggregation scheme.
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Sutagundar, A.V., Manvi, S.S. Wheel Based Event Triggered Data Aggregation and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks: Agent Based Approach. Wireless Pers Commun 71, 491–517 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-012-0825-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-012-0825-x