4G is promising a wireless broadband with data rates up to 1Gbps. The two candidate technologies for 4G are the Advanced Long Term Evolution (Advanced LTE) which is based on the 3GPP standards and the WiMAX 2.0 based on the IEEE 802.16 family of standards. The common feature of both technologies is that they will provide All-IP connectivity with flexible bit rates and quality of service guarantees for multiple classes of services including voice, mainly using voice over IP, data and video services. Most of the performance studies of 4G technologies use highly complex and sophisticated simulations due to the multiple complexity factors in investigating 4G technologies such as All-IP flexible bit rates, adaptive coding and modulation as well as the multi-services provided. These factors usually make any modelling attempt very difficult. This paper presents a numerical/analytical model for a 4G WiMAX cell based on a multi-dimensional Continuous-Time Markov Chain (CTMC) model. Performance measures were derived for the key performance indicators such as throughput and average bit rate per cell and per service class. By assuming minimum acceptable bit rates for certain quality of service guarantees, we derived measures for blocking probabilities. The model has been formulated and solved using MOSEL-2 (Modelling Specification and Evaluation Language) which captures the key features of a 4G system that affect services at session/call level. The resuls obtained from the model using sample parameters show that, the model can provide very useful insight to system behavior and can give good first indication to the performance of such a complex system.

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The authors would like to thank the Scientific Research Support Fund (SRSF); Ministry of Higher Education, Jordan for their financial support.
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Zreikat, A.I., Aldmour, I.A. & Al-Begain, K. Performance Model of a WIMAX 2.0 All-IP 4G System. Wireless Pers Commun 72, 191–210 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-013-1008-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-013-1008-0