There are two methods for mobile advertising: SMS and broadband advertisement. Previously SMS is the most common way of mobile advertising. Previous researches on consumer acceptance have been focused on SMS advertisement. This paper aims to identify factors that influence consumer’s intention to accept mobile broadband services with add-on advertising. As theory of reasoned action (TRA) has been widely used to explain user behavioral intension in previous researches, we proposed extended TRA by including six factors for testing adoption of mobile broadband services with add-on advertising: Perceived Value, Contextual Awareness, Trust, Solidarity, Familiarity and Effect. The proposed model has been tested on selected Thai mobile broadband user communities. The results from 61 valid responses during 2 weeks time period found that attitude toward mobile advertising and subjective norms have weak significance on user intention to accept add-on advertising. It is also found that Perceived value has higher significant than other proposed factors. With the proposed model, it is possible for advertisers to create an effective and pertinent mobile broadband advertising.

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Srisawatsakul, C., Papasratorn, B. Factors Affecting Consumer Acceptance Mobile Broadband Services with Add-on Advertising: Thailand Case Study. Wireless Pers Commun 69, 1055–1065 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-013-1065-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-013-1065-4