IEEE 802.15.3 High data rate wireless personal area networks (HDR WPANs) have been developed to communicate with devices within 10 m at high speed. A mesh network made up of a parent piconet and several child piconets can support multi-hop communications. Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) have been expected to be the ultimate solution for the next decade wireless networking, showing rapid progress and many new inspiring applications. The international standardization organizations formed working groups to address the problem of standardization for WMNs. These groups were the IEEE 802.15.5 (mesh extensions for WPANs),the IEEE 802.11s (mesh extensions for WLANs), and the IEEE 802.16a (mesh extensions for WiMAX). The IEEE 802.15.5 standard is the standard which defines specifications for including multi-hop functionality in the legacy 802.15.3 and 802.15.4 low data rate (LDR) WPAN networks. The impetus for a WPAN to operate in a mesh topology is to increase the network coverage without increasing the transmit power, to increase the route reliability via route redundancy, self-configuration, and efficient use of device battery life. In the case of meshed WPANs, multiple WPAN clusters compete for channel time in a shared superframe. Therefore, it is essential to determine the channel time requirements of each cluster with a certain number of devices and to determine how these clusters can compete to the shared channel time. In this paper, we investigate the different resource allocation mechanisms related to the meshed HDR WPANs for the 802.15.3 and the 802.15.5 standards. We introduce the single hop and the multi-hop IEEE 802.15.3 WPAN architectures. This is followed by the introduction of the IEEE 802.15.5 standard that provides the mesh capabilities for extending the coverage area of HDR WPANs. The current on-going research issues for resource allocation, including beacon interference, reservation collision etc., in both meshed 802.15.3 and 802.15.5 are alluded to.

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Sindian, S., Khalil, A., Samhat, A.E. et al. Resource Allocation in High Data Rate Mesh WPAN: A Survey Paper. Wireless Pers Commun 74, 909–932 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-013-1330-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-013-1330-6