Mobile ad hoc routing protocols fails in intermittently connected networks (ICN) (i.e. characterized by short-range communication and absence of connected path from source to destination). However, Epidemic routing techniques ensures eventual message delivery from source to destination even where there is never a connected path or when a network partition exists at the origin of message. Epidemic Routing uses random pair-wise messages exchanges between nodes with goals to maximize message delivery rate, minimize message latency, and the total resources consumed in message delivery. Epidemic routing uses summary vector to avoid useless transmission and redundancy. Further,to make summery vector efficient, epidemic routing can use bloom filter to significantly reduce the useless transmissions associated with the summary vector. However, the challenge for epidemic routing remains opens is to optimal design of summary vector size for finite buffer while keeping the benefits of infinite buffer space. This paper proposes an improved scheme of Bloom filter (named it modified bloom filter MBLF), which is tailored according to epidemic routing. We performed simulation to support our clam and observed that delivery ratio of MBLF with epidemic routing is 19 % higher then the traditional bloom filter. In this paper, we have proposed a bloom filter based epidemic forwarding for ICNs.

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Shukla, S., Kumar, N. & Misra, R. Impact of Bloom Filter on Infection Rate in Epidemic Forwarding for ICNs. Wireless Pers Commun 75, 2165–2180 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-013-1461-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-013-1461-9