Ultra-wideband (UWB) is a booming technology in the field of wireless communication. This paper presents a brief idea related to the various coherent and non-coherent IR-UWB detectors. Due to the limitation in transmit power spectral density of UWB system, the major challenges faced by UWB system includes, achieving Quality of Service, system performance and coverage area. So, the combination of UWB system with cooperative communication will not only improve the system performance, but also help in expanding coverage area of signals. A brief review of the work done by various researchers in the field of cooperative impulse radio (IR) UWB communication is also presented in this paper. The working principle and performance analysis of the various coherent and non-coherent IR-UWB detectors using cooperative relay strategies are also discussed at large in this paper. The various fixed cooperative relay strategies used for cooperative UWB communication is Amplify and Forward, Decode and Forward and Detect and Forward. From the simulation results it can be inferred that, even though IR-UWB DTR receiver gives a much better BER performance than IR-UWB ED receiver using both cooperative and non-cooperative strategies, yet ED receiver is preferred because of its less complexity and low power consumption. Future prospects in the field of cooperative IR-UWB communication have also been discussed in this paper.

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- AC:
- AF:
Amplify and forward
- ATR:
Average transmitted reference
- BC:
- BEP:
Bit error probability
- BER:
Bit error rate
- BPF:
Bandpass filter
- CF:
Characteristic function
- CIR:
Channel impulse response
- CSI:
Channel state information
- DF:
Decode and forward
- DS:
Direct sequence
- DTF:
Detect and forward
- DTR:
Differential transmitted reference
- ED:
Energy detector
- EGC:
Equal gain combining
- FCC:
Federal communications commission
- FDD:
Frequency division duplex
- FR:
Fixed relaying
Generalized likelihood ratio test
- IR:
Impulse radio
- LOS:
Line of sight
- MA:
Multiple access
- MD:
- MF:
Matched filter
- MGF:
Moment generating function
- MinMax-RS:
Minimax relay selection
Minimum mean square estimation
- MP-RS:
Maximum product relay section
- MRC:
Maximal ratio combining
- MUD:
Multi-user detector
- MUI:
Multi-user interference
- NB:
- NC:
Network coding
Network coded broadcasting
Non line of sight
- OOK:
On-off keying
- PAM:
Pulse amplitude modulation
- PDP:
Power delay profile
- PDR:
Packet delivery ratio
- PNC:
Physical network coding
- PPM:
Pulse position modulation
Partial combining RAKE
- PSD:
Power spectral density
- QoS:
Quality of service
- RC:
Relay combining
- SC:
Selection combining
Soft output viterbi decoding algorithm
- SR:
Selective relaying
Selective combining RAKE
- SUD:
Single user detector
- S–V:
- TDD:
Time division duplex
Time division multiple access
- TH:
Time hop
- TR:
Transmitted reference
Transmitted reference pulse cluster
- UCoRS:
UWB based cooperative retransmission scheme
- UWB:
- WED:
Weighted energy detector
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Hazra, R., Tyagi, A. Cooperative Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband Communication Using Coherent and Non-Coherent Detectors: A Review. Wireless Pers Commun 77, 719–748 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-013-1533-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-013-1533-x