Lifetime and energy efficiency are important factors in the design of wireless sensor network. A critical issue during data collection is the formation of energy holes near the sink. Sensors which are located near the sink have to participate in relaying data on behalf of other sensors and thus their energy will be depleted very quickly. Mobile sink movement yields the significant performance gained by decreasing the amount of energy consumption. In this paper, we propose an Intelligent Grid Based Data Disseminating protocol for mobile sink in wireless sensor networks. We have utilized a virtual grid as the protocol’s substructure. In our proposed method, cell heads (CHs) will be selected based on the locations of virtual cross points (CPs) and CPs selection is needless to transfer any required data between neighbor nodes. We have optimized CPs selection using linear programming technique in order to increase network lifetime. By selecting the CHs based on our proposed algorithm, data will be disseminated toward the sink. Our data dissemination protocol is simple and has low overhead to construct and maintain. Also, we have presented a new method for sink location update which leads to the least cost in data transfer. Simulation results illustrate that by utilizing hierarchical functionality and selecting appropriate CPs and consequently selecting CHs, energy consumption will be decreased in comparison with other presented methods which directly lead to network lifetime increment. Also by determining an optimal cell size, packet delivery rate will be improved noticeably.

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Majma, M.R., Pedram, H. & Dehghan, M. IGBDD: Intelligent Grid Based Data Dissemination Protocol for Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks. Wireless Pers Commun 78, 687–714 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-014-1778-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-014-1778-z