In the complex and changing radio environment, how to achieve the fast and accurate spectrum sensing over an ultra-wide bandwidth is a big challenge. A novel compressed sensing algorithm based on modulation classification and symbol rate recognition is proposed by using the minimal sampling rate to detect spectrum holes. It is more efficient than the Nyquist sampling rate and traditional compressed sampling rate, which requires the reconstruction of the original signal. Simulation results show that it can further decrease the compressed sampling rate depending on the relation between compression ratio with modulation scheme and symbol rate. Furthermore, in order to improve the accuracy of modulation classification and symbol rate recognition, a compressed sensing and wavelet transform (CS-WT) feature detector is proposed to perform wideband detection in low SNR condition. Simulation results show that CS-WT feature detector can effectively reduce the noise introduced by CS process. Given the false alarm of 0.05 and the detection probability of 0.9, the detection probability of proposed CS-WT feature detection algorithm can be improved 4 dB compared to traditional cyclostationary detection. Therefore, the overall sampling rate can be dramatically reduced without spectrum detection performance deterioration compared to the conventional static sampling algorithm.

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Zhang, Y., Fu, X., Zhang, Q. et al. Novel Compressed Sensing Algorithm Based on Modulation Classification and Symbol Rate Recognition. Wireless Pers Commun 80, 1717–1732 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-014-2109-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-014-2109-0