The Quality of Service (QoS) routing protocol plays a vital role in enabling a mobile network to interconnect wired networks with the QoS support. It has become quite a challenge in mobile networks, like mobile ad-hoc networks, to identify a path that fulfils the QoS requirements, regarding their topology and applications. The QoS routing feature can also function in a stand-alone multi hop mobile network for real-time applications. The chief aim of the QoS aware protocol is to find a route from the source to the destination that fulfils the QoS requirements. In this paper we present a new energy and delay aware routing method which combines Cellular automata (CA) with the Genetic algorithm (GA). Here, two QoS parameters are used for routing; energy and delay. The routing algorithm based on CA is used to identify a set of routes that can fulfill the delay constraints and then select a reasonably good one using GAs. The results of Simulation show that the method proposed produces a higher degree of performance than the AODV and another QoS method in terms of network lifetime and end-to-end delay.

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Ahmadi, M., Shojafar, M., Khademzadeh, A. et al. A Hybrid Algorithm for Preserving Energy and Delay Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. Wireless Pers Commun 85, 2485–2505 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-015-2916-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-015-2916-y