Web Service Mismatch is a major aspect of web mashup problem. To reduce burden of resolving the mismatch for end-users, the approaches proposed in the literature used a mapping solution to resolve service mismatch. However, without structural information, these approaches would lead to inaccuracy. Here, we propose a structure-based data-mediation approach to improve accuracy. We model service mismatch problem as sub-tree homeomorphism problem and use approximate labelled sub-tree homeomorphism algorithm to resolve the mismatch. The paper presents a case to explain how data-mediation works and solves ambiguity caused by other approaches. We also conduct related tests to evaluate our work.

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This research is supported by Project on based on Social Network TV Content Cloud Services Technology Integration and Demonstration under Grant No. 2012BAH41F03 and Project on the Architecture, Key Technology Research and Demonstration of Web-based Wireless Ubiquitous Business Environment under Grant No. 2012ZX03005008-001.
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Zhang, C., Fu, W., Sun, T. et al. Resolving Web Services Mismatch in Mashup. Wireless Pers Commun 86, 1781–1796 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-015-3133-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-015-3133-4