Cloud security is a major concern these days. Out of the various attacks over Cloud the one which is very specific and consistently launched is DDoS. Current state of art solutions for detection of DDoS attacks in Cloud consume a lot of computational resources in performing per packet attack signature detection. As and when Cloud scales this will result in more resources being utilized for providing DDoS attack detection in Cloud eventually decreasing the amount of resources from the effective pool that can be allocated to its clients. We have utilized the underlying fact that during DDoS, attack packets are sent at a very heavy rate and hence proposed a profiling and back off based detection strategy for detecting DDoS attacks in Cloud. The solution provides lowest resource requirements at the same detection speed. The proposed solution is validated using DARPA dataset and has been thoroughly tested in multiple set of experimentations at client VM’s in Cloud. It has provided a 100 % accuracy in DDoS attack detection with almost 32 times savior of computational resources at near to same detection speed compared to traditional per packet based NIDS at a back off detection value of T = 32.

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Gupta, S., Kumar, P. Profile and Back Off Based Distributed NIDS in Cloud. Wireless Pers Commun 94, 2879–2900 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-016-3753-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-016-3753-3