As various biomedical electronic devices supported by different network protocols are springing up in our living space, many development and researches focus on building a digital biomedical system by using modern techniques. To realize such a theme, the system architecture supporting biomedical services in a health care center should include a broker built in a single computer or an embedded system to coordinate various devices. The main challenge is how the future-proof biomedical devices can be easily integrated into the system. In this paper, we propose a practical skeleton to build a personal biomedical sensing system featuring integrability, extendibility and flexibility. The construction guidelines in the skeleton can ease the development and maintenance for developers. A practically realized case study validates the effectiveness of the proposed skeleton. Besides, the proposed scheduling scheme can stabilize the biomedical sensor messages. The period of sending messages could be changeable based on the shortest processing time rule. From the experimental results, the proposed scheme can reduce the waiting time and stabilize messages from biomedical sensors. The central control broker is very essential to handle the main process in the proposed scheme and to control the scheduling scheme of four biomedical sensors used in this research.

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Chen, CF., Leu, JS., Ghufran, R.S. et al. Message Scheduling for Personal Biomedical Sensing System in a Health Care Center. Wireless Pers Commun 95, 4301–4319 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-017-4081-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-017-4081-y