In location and address based Wireless Sensor Networks, secure route detection, data transference, energy conservation and costs are very crucial in existing networks. To overcome the issues and make a secure, correct location finding within sensor node regions (intra) and between sensor nodes regions (inter), many researches are proposed. But none of the process satisfied these issues in efficient manner. To make the secure and exact location finding as efficient manner, we proposed a new location based technique named report hexagonal based dynamic location (RHBDL). This proposed system employed the location discovering scheme using sequence-based localization. Moreover RHBDL is used to find the exact locations of the destination node. The location has been computed using RHBDL by placing the mobile nodes in the edge and radio range path of the hexagonal regions. RHBDL preserve the previous communication path based on accuracy, error location, efficient energy and node lifetime. This will help to reduce the alternate location of exact location due to (or by eliminating) unwanted nodes. The most appropriate exact path from source to destination of node location will be formed over the network. The experimentation was performed as the result, our proposed RHBDL technique provides better and exact localization with more accuracy than other radio signal location discovering scheme using sequence-based localization techniques over a range of wireless channel and nodes.

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Saji Kumar, J.S., Sherly, E. Report Hexagonal Based Dynamic Location Finding Techniques with Sequence-Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Network. Wireless Pers Commun 99, 637–650 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-017-5041-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-017-5041-2