Security of cloud computing and Internet of things (IoT) enabled sensor networks are two significant areas of research that have a great impact in developing numerous societal applications such as smart healthcare, smart city, smart agriculture etc. in a secure manner. The devices involved in these technologies are exposed to vulnerabilities since they are distributed in nature and moreover they try to fetch real-time information and forward it to cloud for processing. Cloud computing offers a platform for storing and processing the data sensed and sent by the sensor devices. In the previous literature, many researchers have studied the security issues and challenges of IoT and Cloud separately. Still, there is a gap in the literature and it is required to explore the integrated security issues in the Cloud integrated IoT environment. Analyzing the integrated security issues of the existing technologies is of much importance and novel idea for their successful implementation. In this paper we focused on exploring the vulnerabilities of the integrated environment. In addition, we had presented the security issues and challenges in the cloud and IoT enabled sensor environment.

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Geetha, R., Suntheya, A.K. & Srikanth, G.U. Cloud Integrated IoT Enabled Sensor Network Security: Research Issues and Solutions. Wireless Pers Commun 113, 747–771 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07251-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07251-z