Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are widely used in various domains such as military, health applications, environmental applications, structural monitoring, agriculture sectors etc. In WSN Topology control is fundamental approach in which link establishment is in such a way that energy consumption is minimized. This helps in increasing the network lifetime. In this paper, we have attempted to present a review of different existing topology control algorithms in literature. We have summarized all these existing on the basis of different performance metrics such as energy consumption, network lifetime, delay, energy cost etc. Finally this paper supports the reader an idea to select the topology control for the desired application.

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Singla, P., Munjal, A. Topology Control Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review. Wireless Pers Commun 113, 2363–2385 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07331-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07331-0