Literacy is a tool to analyze a problem in different scenarios. A skill that can give a person/business/stakeholders insight to differentiate and explain and how to follow a particular protocol. In the healthcare ecosystem, eHealth literacy is very critical for the promotion of a product/service when it comes to the patient for following or selection of a care plan or doctor level for communication at patient level as well as at a technological level. Young people are more familiar with digital tools. When it comes to an older population, we observe resistance because of weak cognitive skills or suspicious behaviour towards technologies that exist and culture variance. Different stakeholders should consider the level of literacy, deep dig into technological advancement while making policies for the Health care ecosystem and cultural aspects for technological promotion to ensure eHealth solutions to be followed. A business model should be improvised concerning eHealth literacy and culture literacy in different countries in the health care sector for the promotion of a particular assistive technology product/device/service. This paper highlights the various essential aspects concerning eHealth literacy, cultural influences its importance while following a specific plan of care and its adherence at the patient as well as the policy-making level for the healthcare ecosystem.

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Anwar, S., Prasad, R. & Chowdhry, B.S. Literacy and Socio-dynamics Cues Insights Decision Analytics for Care Plan Adherence. Wireless Pers Commun 113, 1597–1613 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07400-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07400-4