Energy harvesting (EH) is introduced into the physical layer security transmission of wireless sensor networks. It takes the energy efficiency and security into account simultaneously. To improve the physical layer security of the cooperative wireless sensor network, an EH-based physical layer security transmission scheme called multi-relay time switching (MRTS) is proposed in this paper. In the multi-source single-destination network with eavesdroppers, multiple relay nodes with time switching (TS) protocol convert the received signals into energy and information according to the time slots, and the converted energy is used to amplify and forward the received information. The research shows the optimal time switching ratio, under which the maximum secrecy capacity is achievable with the optimal converted energy. The results prove that under the same conditions, the secure transmission scheme based on MRTS is better than power splitting-based relaying (PSR) scheme when the total power of sources is limited.

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Dong, L., Li, J. & Fu, X. Cooperative Physical Layer Security Transmission Scheme Based on Energy Harvesting. Wireless Pers Commun 116, 3191–3204 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07842-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07842-w