For efficient delivery of public services to various entities and institutions in an effective and transparent manner, Information and Communication technologies has been increasingly used by Electronic government. Being one of the most sophisticated schemes that demands diversification, safeguarding and security, and any form of fiasco may turn out to be extremely expensive both prudently and collectively. The head supervision system might be subjected to failure, making it prone to cyber-attacks like distributed denial of service attacks, spywares, malwares and denial of service attacks. It enforces working and administration of extremely safe as well as authentic regionalized organizations where negotiations are not under the jurisdiction of any third party institutions. This technology enables storage of actual and contemporary data in a fixed cubicle of blocks scattered across the network in a unique manner. Data Authentication and Confidentiality are augmented by the manner in which data is encrypted and uniformly scattered throughout the unified network. Our proposal deals with the introduction of a unique scheme of a specially regionalized peer-to-peer framework with the aid of this technology, that has the ability to assure data authentication as well as confidentiality while also raises the faith of the public sectors. Apart from this, a model of the proposed structure is given, using an analytical and subjective investigation of the safety, authenticity coupled with confidentiality ramifications of such framework.
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Ranjith Kumar, M.V., Bhalaji, N. Blockchain Based Chameleon Hashing Technique for Privacy Preservation in E-Governance System. Wireless Pers Commun 117, 987–1006 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07907-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07907-w