The medical enhancements have been improved to increase the life span of mankind. High penetration of Wireless Sensor Network in medical field helped the doctors to diagnose the patience in accurate manner and prescribe the medicines accordingly. In this modern Era, many people have permanent implant like face maker and it is life threatening to keep changing this body enhancement and it is need to have a system in place to increase the functionality of the Wireless Body Sensors. The important parameter which drags the battery energy and reduces its life span is path loss, and transmission loss. This paper proposes enhanced life time improvement for wireless body sensor networks using optimal clustering and advanced path selection protocol in short Energy Proficient Reliable Multi-hop Routing protocol. The EPMR designed in two stages, the first stage start with the collection of data from all body sensors is done through optimal clustering technique based Modified Conditional Spider Optimization (M-CSO) which avoids continuous individual transmission of data by the sensing nodes to base station in multi- hop distance (this stage the transmission loss is eliminated or reduced) hence the protocol concentrate to reduce transmission losses and the second stage implements the discovery of distance is done through by deploying Modified Flower Bee Algorithm (M-FBA), this stage the protocol finds best suitable and shortest next node to transmit the data. The finding of this paper is simulated using Math lab Simulink and verified through Network Simulator – 2 (NS-2) tools for validation and real time implementation of the results. The result obtained by this proposed method suggests that it has enhanced the sensor life term in many folds in comparisons with existing methodologies.

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Basha, A.R., Manoharan, H. Enhanced Life Time Improvement for Wireless Body Sensor Networks using Optimal Clustering and Advanced Path Selection Protocol. Wireless Pers Commun 119, 2123–2146 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08322-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08322-5