A network of wireless sensor (WSNs) is formed by connecting thousands of miniature nodes. They are capable of sensing, communicating wirelessly and computing parameters. The life of a wireless sensor node depends upon its energy. Thus a main technical challenge in WSN is energy saving in the network. The principal needs of any wireless sensors network is its energy efficiency and security which could be influenced by presence of various malicious nodes. The major limiting constraint for sensor nodes is its limited energy required to transmit every data packet. LEACH PEGASIS, DEC and SEP are the several WSN probabilistic routing protocols to save energy throughout data transmission. The prime goals of the protocol implementation are the energy saving and heterogeneity maintenance. The contribution of paper is to describe the fundamentals of all mentioned protocols and basic structure of WSN and a homogeneous efficient DEC based novel election probability based multitier random probability protocol or agricultural wireless sensors network is proposed. It is found that modifications are capable of selecting the cluster heads homogeneously. Due to its better distribution capacity the protocol is energy efficient. The comparative analysis of performance matrices of above protocol is accomplished.

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Sharma, D., Tomar, G.S. Energy Efficient Multitier Random DEC Routing Protocols for WSN: In Agricultural. Wireless Pers Commun 120, 727–747 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08486-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08486-0