One of the applications of Sparse Linear Wireless Sensor Networks is environmental monitoring. In these networks, sensors are deployed in sensitive and strategic areas, such as highways and streets, to collect environmental data. Due to the long-term monitoring of the environment by the sensors and the lack of replacement of the energy source of the sensors, network lifetime is significantly reduced. Therefore, this paper presents the New Environment Monitoring Approach using Sparse Linear Wireless Sensor Networks (NEMA) for monitoring the environment using Dual Sinks. In the proposed NEMA method, static sensor nodes are scattered and equidistant from each other and monitor the environment. Due to being less, the number of sensor nodes relative to the area covered, data communication, and correlation are reduced. Therefore, the sensor nodes send the received packets to the destination without performing any data aggregation process. The proposed method was simulated in Simulator version 2 (NS-2). According to the criteria of average energy consumption, maximum waiting time, probability of sending data packets to the mobile sink node, average data packet delivery delay and network lifetime, the proposed method was compared with Classical approach 1 and Classical approach 2. The results obtained from the simulation data show the superiority of the proposed method over previous methods.

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Pakdel, H., Jahanshahi, M. & Fotohi, R. An Approach to Environmental Monitoring in Sparse Linear Wireless Sensor Networks for Energy Conservation Using Dual Sinks. Wireless Pers Commun 126, 635–663 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-022-09763-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-022-09763-2