Scheduling in computing environments such as homogeneous and heterogonous is very challenging and faces various difficulties computationally. This computing needs an optimal method that decides how to allocate and execute the tasks on a computing platform, so, it generates an efficient result. Here, the tasks are connected to each other and depicted using DAG which is extensively used in Cloud Scheduling modeling. Generally, cloud work on principal pay per resources uses basis. This paper presents a new scheme for scheduling of the tasks in a cloud platform. The proposed algorithm uses heuristic-guided Breadth-First Search (BFS) which works on two steps process as first it the priority computation of the tasks and second is to assign these tasks to the available virtual machines with an entry task as duplicate to all virtual machines. This leads to reducing the scheduling length of the task scheduling and it is the prime with workflow scheduling algorithm. This paper also discussed performance analysis of the new method with the heuristic algorithms using various well known metrics. The proposed method gives better results than the state of the art.

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Rajak, N., Rajak, R. & Prakash, S. A Workflow Scheduling Method for Cloud Computing Platform. Wireless Pers Commun 126, 3625–3647 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-022-09882-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-022-09882-w