In the present scenario, with a rapidly growing demand for wireless data, it is time to improve the data rate for a wireless network. "NOMA-ARQ Network" known as "Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access—Automatic Repeat reQuest Network”, is one of the solutions for achieving very low ultra-reliable low latency in network performance. The existing OMA systems require fixed time/frequency synchronization, which is very difficult to meet in practice. In this paper, we propose a comparison between OMA and NOMA. The overall system throughput is evaluated as a function of the number of information bits, channels used, and power. The throughput and outage probability are evaluated as a function of the number of information bits and various block lengths. The performance of the system is analysed in terms of reliability and throughput with the help of the type-1 ARQ protocol. While increasing the number of retransmissions, the reliability of the system gets boosted, thereby reducing the outage probability of reception of an error. Throughout the entire system, the performance of NOMA is found to be better than the OMA.

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Ravi, M., Bulo, Y. NOMA-ARQ Scheme: A Gateway for Efficient Performance of the Network. Wireless Pers Commun 132, 1–15 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-023-10481-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-023-10481-6