The Ultra-Dense Network (UDN) will greatly improve wireless network spectral capacity and compensate for the exponential rise in data traffic in fifth-generation (5G) communication. The use of ultra-dense interconnected Small Cells (SCs) alongside the Macro Cells (MCs) would heavily focus on 5G radio network. UDN consists of large number of SCs and MCs, which greatly increases the demand for network capacity. Due to the condensed placement of SCs and MCs, interferences among neighboring cell become severe and moreover usage of power (energy consumption) will be more in the network. Thus, efficient allocation of resources and control energy consumption are necessary to reduce inter-cell interference. In this paper, implements a new power saving and optimal allocations of resource and user in 5G UDN using Open Geodetic Domination Number of a Graph (OGDNG) theory with Gray Wolf Optimization (GWO). OGDNG theory is the best mathematical tool to design a complex relationship amongst various entity. The shortest path finding theory is used to find the optimal resource and user allocations in the 5G network. First, the 5G network is designed as a graph and then graph theory techniques are used to evaluate the order of nodes where the power-on/ off process is used. The energy management is done through the power on/off mode in the SC and MC nodes. The paper also demonstrates the use of OGDNG design to solve the resource allocations problem in UDN. Finally, GWO optimization techniques are used to improve the power saving and resource allocation techniques. It is demonstrated that the proposed algorithm can be used to achieve power savings of up to 32 percent at maximum load and 80 percent during off peak.

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Moni, V.V., Judson, D., Davix, X.A. et al. Energy Management and Optimal Allocations of Resource in Ultra-dense 5G Networks Using OGDNG Theory with GWO Method. Wireless Pers Commun 132, 261–277 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-023-10610-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-023-10610-1