This research paper presents the development and implementation of a real-time communication system that utilizes LEDs for transmitting text, image, and audio through Free Space Optical Communication (FSOC) and Underwater Wireless Optical Communication (UWOC) channels. The impact of atmospheric and oceanic attenuation and turbulences are considered for the performance analysis of the proposed system. The various atmospheric weather conditions like light fog, dense fog, and heavy rain are considered for FSOC while in the case of UWOC, effects like pure water, and seawater with turbulence and without turbulence are considered. The outcomes of the experiments and simulations, including quality factors, eye diagrams, and bit error rates, are plotted and discussed in the results.

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1. Paper Writing—VB, SMY, SMR. 2. Figures and table preparation—VB, SMY, SMR. 3. Experimental demonstration and simulation results—VB, SMY, SMR, AK, PK. 4. Review the manuscript—AK, PK.
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Kannan, A., Bhavana, V., Younus, S.M. et al. Experimental Demonstration and Performance Analysis of Free Space and Underwater Optical Wireless Communication Systems. Wireless Pers Commun 134, 69–93 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-10887-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-10887-w