In the ever-evolving landscape of computational grid systems, the meticulous selection of resources tailored to specific tasks is a formidable challenge. This paper introduces an efficient load distribution strategy known as Load Distribution Based Resource Allocation (LDRA), one of the foremost goals is to allocate resources to gain enhanced resource utilization and also try to achieve least possible execution time to fulfil the need for grid systems. A comprehensive performance evaluation unfolds to elevate grid efficiency, pitting LDRA against existing heuristics using the ETC Simulation Benchmark. The study expands further on the real-world dataset from the Gaia Cluster Configurations (https://hpc.uni.lu/systems/gaia/) to verify its significance in the real environment. The LDRA algorithm emerges with superior performance when compared to state-of-the-art such as Max–Min, Opportunistic Load Balancing, AlgHybrid_LB, and Resource Aware Load Balancing for resource utilization, makespan, flowtime, and energy efficiency in the majority of the cases in experimental evaluation. In some cases, the experimental results show that LDRA’s usage of the grid resources is remarkable, reaching over 99% in four cases and approaching 98% in two cases of the ETC simulation benchmark. These accomplishments are further mirrored in the evaluation against real datasets, where LDRA’s performance among peers is nothing short of exemplary in the cases under study.

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Data Availability
We selected the Gaia cluster log of the University of Luxemburg by considering the criteria mentioned in the previous section. The details of both the selected cluster logs are given at https://hpc.uni.lu/systems/gaia/.
The reason behind the selection of each dataset is also stated. The details of The University of Luxemburg Gaia Cluster log are as follows:
• System: University of Luxemburg Gaia Cluster
• Duration: 22nd May 2014 to 19th August 2014
• Jobs: 51,987
This log contains three months’ worth of data from the Gaia cluster at the University of Luxemburg. It is used mainly by biologists working with massive data problems and engineering people working with physical simulations. The workload data includes CPU and memory usage; further, I/O activity is in a separate file as I/O is not accommodated by the standard workload format. The workload log from the Gaia cluster system was graciously provided by Joseph Emeras at https://www.cs.huji.ac.il/labs/parallel/workload/lunilugaia/ (accessed on 10/30/2020).
The Gaia cluster is one of the four clusters operated by the ULHPC (University of Luxembourg HPC Center). Initially released in 2011, Gaia is now a heterogeneous cluster that has been upgraded several times. It currently features 151 nodes, manufactured by Bull and Dell, with a total of 2004 cores. Several nodes (20) feature NVidia Tesla-class GPGPUs accelerators.
Code Availability
This work is part of a Ph.D. thesis of the first author, Sophiya Sheikh. Now we are working on its extended version. Therefore, we can’t make this code public. However, it can be made available on request.
title = https://hpc.uni.lu/systems/gaia/, url = https://hpc.uni.lu/systems/gaia/
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Sheikh, S., Shahid, M., Sambare, M. et al. A Load Distribution Based Resource Allocation Strategy for Bag of Tasks (BoT) in Computational Grid Environment. Wireless Pers Commun 135, 47–80 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-10951-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-10951-5