Designing effective PID controllers for gimbal payload systems (GPS) in naval applications poses inherent challenges due to the dynamic nature of these systems. The gimbal system requires precise control to stabilize its line of sight (LOS) for accurate target tracking in electro-optical systems. Conventional PID controllers often struggle to address the complex dynamics and nonlinearities inherent in gimbal systems, resulting in suboptimal performance. Therefore, in this study, we introduce a novel control design framework for the gimbal payload system (GPS) employed in naval applications. A more effective PID controller is developed by utilizing the hunting mechanism of the antlion optimization technique. This controller precisely manages and stabilizes the LOS of the GPS, ensuring seamless target tracking in electro-optical systems. Furthermore, we assess the robustness of the proposed controller by varying system parameters, including moment of inertia (± 20%) and motor resistance (+ 10%). The results demonstrate robust target tracking even in the presence of changes within the system. Additionally, the gimbal system exhibits zero overshoot, and the achieved high values of gain and phase margins outperform other techniques such as genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization, and classical methods.

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Ahamad, N., Sikander, A. & Jha, P.K. A New Optimal Control Design Framework and Stabilization of a Gimbal Payload System Using Meta-heuristic Algorithm. Wireless Pers Commun 135, 899–917 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-11083-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-11083-6