In recent years, with depletion of fossil fuel and exponential increase of power demand meeting the customer needs become a significant challenge for service providers. In this paper, Internet of Things (IoT) based bidirectional converter (BC) is designed which enhances the power electronics converters into the next platforms. This bidirectional converter is built with wireless connectivity. Also, the cluster is built in the series of diverse downwind distances (i.e., between the turbines) can be tested with minimum rearrangement effort. In IoT equipped bidirectional converter farm is evaluated in offline mode by collecting the data remotely. The proposed BC is able to operate in renewable energy (like photovoltaic, wind, etc.) based standalone systems. This BC converter is proposed to transfer power from grid/ renewable energy systems to a battery storage system (BSS) as well as BSS to grid power transfer. The proposed work of cascade topology allows maintaining input voltage as well as output voltage level. During discharging, the energy from a battery pack is returned to the grid where the dc link bus is interconnected with electric traction inverter. Input and output voltage values of the converter are used to fix the reference voltage subject to the power demand requirement. Artificial neural networks are used to regulate the voltage of dc link capacitor. The performance of the proposed BC regarding voltage gain, efficiency, and flexible application have been analysed using MATLAB simulation and also with experimental studies.

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Lavanya, M., Sasikumar, S. & Shivakumar, R. Design and Implementation of Smart IoT System Based Bidirectional Converter. Wireless Pers Commun 136, 2047–2067 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-11274-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-11274-1