The only thing that sets fog computing apart from the cloud is its proximity to end users, which allows them to process and respond to customers faster. Second, it helps the Internet of Things, sensor networks, and real-time streaming apps—all of which depend on dependable and fast internet access. This study develops the optimal technique for fog computing load balancing and authentication. The Improved Tasmanian devil optimization (ITDO) algorithm and blockchain technology are combined in the suggested strategy. Blockchain technology is applied to data security and user authentication. Fog computing load balancing is optimised by the TDO, which manages optimal load balancing. Blockchain network nodes called fog nodes and edge devices log and verify the load-blanking procedure. In fog computing, load balancing and user authentication are the main research objectives. For load balancing, novel multi-objective function is designed. The performance of presented technique is analysed based on various metrics and performance compared with different techniques. For experimental analysis proposed approach attained the minimum waiting time of 25 s.

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Premkumar, N., Santhosh, R. Secure Load Balancing in Fog Computing Using improved Tasmanian Devil Optimization Algorithm with Blockchain. Wireless Pers Commun 136, 547–565 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-11321-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-11321-x