Technological developments in semiconductors have created previously unheard-of chances for creativity, but they have also increased the danger of hardware Trojans, which are malevolent modifications introduced into integrated circuits (ICs) during the design or production phases. This research review addresses the changing landscape of threats and responses by examining the most recent advancements and trends in hardware trojan detection and prevention approaches. Proactive protections against Trojan insertion and dissemination include methods like cryptographic primitives, trust verification protocols, and hardware obfuscation. The field of detection approaches has expanded to include a multi-layered approach that integrates emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning with more established methods like testing and design-time analysis. Furthermore, it is possible to improve resistance to Trojan assaults while reducing performance overhead by incorporating hardware security features like physically unclonable functions and secure compartments directly into the IC architecture. Moreover, various prevention algorithms, detecting challenges and effects of the HT in recent applications are summarized with its solutions.

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Naveenkumar, R., Sivamangai, N.M. Hardware Trojans Detection and Prevention Techniques Review. Wireless Pers Commun 136, 1147–1182 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-11334-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-11334-6