The use of Restricted Boltzmann machines has been considered in the construction of deep neural networks. One reason for this use is the feature engineering capability of the restricted Boltzmann machine. One of the issues facing deep neural networks is weight training. Because of the complexity of training processes, these topics are the most important in deep networks. Based on the differences between the means and means of all the values of features of training vectors, we have attempted in this paper to modify the initial weights in the Restricted Boltzmann Machine. The name of the model is Modify Restricted Boltzmann Machine (MRBM1, and MRBM2). By excellence of this, the probability of training vector reconstruction by the model is increased at the beginning of the training processes. Subsequently, the error amount of the deep belief network in the training process is reduced. The reason for b the use of this approach is the consideration of common values of a feature concerning the values of all features. A grouping of correlations is included in our proposed models then we select some possible genes. The usefulness of the proposed techniques has been successfully applied to four microarray gene expression data sets. The microarray gene expression data sets are human leukemia, lung, colon, and breast cancer. The superiority of the methods has been established in some earlier procedures like Boltzmann Machine (BM) Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM), Auto-Encoder (AE), and Denoising autoencoders (DAE) are verified, GO attributes of Top-10, Top-20, and Top-50 genes of each data set and find the significant genes depend on p-values. The overall results are properly verified by existing techniques, gene expression profiles, biochemical pathways, t-test, and F-test.

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Appendix A
Appendix A
F-score is defined
The true positive, false positive, false negative, and balance factor are terms of tp, fp, fn, and \(\beta\) respectively. The above three calculations differentiate the accurate labels of classification within various classes. The recall function is an example of true positives and false negatives. The precision function is an example of true positives and false positives. When the value of \(\beta =1\), the F-score [47] is always balanced. When \(\beta > 1\), it uses precision otherwise recall. We use \(\beta =1\), in our experiment.
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Sheet, S., Ghosh, A., Ghosh, R. et al. Recognition of Cancer Mediating Genes using the Novel Restricted Boltzmann Machines. Wireless Pers Commun 138, 2275–2298 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-11600-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-11600-7