The increasing use of technology has led to the incorporation of software-defined network (SDN) communication in ad hoc mobile environments. Although a lot of study has been done on MANET network security, privacy issues in SDN-enabled MANETs have received less attention. We suggest using PRISDASM (Enhanced Data Security and Privacy for SDN-Enabled MANET), a cutting-edge technology created to improve data integrity and privacy protections, to close this gap. Our suggested approach provides a practical way to handle these problems by integrating online/offline signature approaches for safe data aggregation, Paillier homomorphic encryption, and the Walrus optimization algorithm for cluster head selection. Furthermore, in order to select the best cluster head, our study presents a fitness function that considers trust, mobility, and energy consumption criteria. Our six-phase solution is designed to protect sensitive data, authenticate users and ensure data integrity, and manage aggregation requests over many networks to enable effective communication. Furthermore, our strategy specifically targets lightweight processing to reduce the computational load on mobile nodes and enable seamless integration into different systems. Using ns3 simulation, we have put our suggested system into practice and assessed its effectiveness, showing that it has better security features and communication efficiency than existing methods. Our findings unequivocally show that PRISDASM outperforms current techniques for data integrity and privacy in SDN-enabled MANETs.
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Kommineni, K.K., Prasad, A. Enhancing Data Security and Privacy in SDN-Enabled MANETs Through Improved Data Aggregation Protection and Secrecy. Wireless Pers Commun 139, 855–882 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-11635-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-024-11635-w